JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY: Announcements2024-01-04T23:19:24+07:00Open Journal Systems<p style="font-weight: 400;">Scientific Journal of Tan Trao University (SJTTU) with ISSN: 2354- 1431, is an open access and peer-reviewed scholarly journal focused on Social sciences and Humanities; Natural science-Engineering-Technology; Educational Science, Agriculture-Forestry-Biology-Medicine -Pharmacy. The journal welcomes contributions from academics, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, lecturers, and associates pursuing research in Vietnam and all over the world.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The journal publishes its printed version with a quarterly frequency and one special issue in the last quarter. All the articles submitted to the Journal are undergoing editorial screening and anonymous double-blind peer review by experts and the honorary editorial board. All articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication with a unique Digital Objective Identifier provided by Crossref and without subscription charges or registration barriers.</p> <ul> <li><strong><a title="Aim" href="">Aims</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a title="Peer Review Process" href="">Peer Review Process</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a title="ethics-in-publishing" href=""><u>Publiation ethics</u></a></strong></li> <li><strong><a title="Publication Policies" href="">Publication Policies</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">Open-access policy</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a title="Privacy Statement" href="">Privacy Statement</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a title="Data Privacy Policy" href="ât-privacy-policy">Data Privacy Policy</a></strong></li> </ul> for authors: THE PUBLICATION SCHEDULE OF THE ISSUE OF 20242024-01-04T23:19:24+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY2024-01-04T23:19:24+07:00 for authors: THE PUBLICATION SCHEDULE OF THE ISSUE OF 20232023-01-10T15:38:16+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY<p>Science Journal of Tan Trao University announced the publication schedule of the issue of 2023 as follows:</p> <p>Volume 9, Issue 1 (March 2023): Social Sciences and Humanities</p> <p>Volume 9, Issue 2 (June 2023): Natural Science - Engineering - Technology</p> <p>Volume 9, Issue 3 (August 2023): Agriculture - Forestry - Biology - Medicine</p> <p>Volume 9, Issue 4 (October 2023): Scientific Education</p> <p>Volume 9, Issue 5 (December 2023): Special issue</p>2023-01-10T15:38:16+07:00 for authors: SPECIALISTS THAT ARE POINTS OF THE MAGAZINE IN 20222022-08-03T16:40:17+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY2022-08-03T16:40:17+07:00 for authors: Notification about changing the numbering of Science Journals in 20222022-08-03T16:31:30+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY2022-08-03T16:31:30+07:00 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE OF THE ISSUE OF 20222022-02-08T14:55:43+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY2022-02-08T14:55:43+07:00 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE OF THE ISSUE OF 20212021-03-30T08:47:01+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY<p>Science Journal of Tan Trao University announced the publication schedule of the issue of 2021 as follows:</p> <p>No. 20 (March 2021): Social Sciences, Humanities and Education</p> <p>No. 21 (June 2021): Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery - Biology</p> <p>No. 22 (August 2021): Natural Science - Engineering - Technology</p> <p>No. 23 (October 2021): Social Sciences, Humanities and Education</p> <p>No. 24 (December 2021): Special issue</p>2021-03-30T08:47:01+07:00 Mathematics for MathJax2020-12-07T09:34:13+07:00SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY<h2>\(\frac{\text{Tan Trao University}}{\text{</h2> <h2>Scientific Journal of Tan Trao University</h2> <h2>}}\)</h2> <h2>Display mathematics in a web page</h2> <p>To display mathematics in your web page, you can use TeX and LaTeX notation, MathML notation, AsciiMath notation, or a combination of all three within the same page; the MathJax configuration tells MathJax which you want to use, and how you plan to indicate the mathematics when you are using TeX/LaTeX or AsciiMath notation. These three formats are described in more detail below.</p> <div id="tex-and-latex-input" class="section"><span id="tex-input"></span> <h3>TeX and LaTeX input</h3> <p>Mathematics that is written in TeX or LaTeX format is indicated using <em>math delimiters</em> that surround the mathematics, telling MathJax what part of your page represents mathematics and what is normal text. There are two types of equations: ones that occur within a paragraph (in-line mathematics), and larger equations that appear separated from the rest of the text on lines by themselves (displayed mathematics).</p> <p>The default math delimiters are <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">$$...$$</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre"> \[ ... \]</span></code> for displayed mathematics, and \(\backslash ( ... \backslash ) \) for in-line mathematics. Note in particular that the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">$...$</span></code> in-line delimiters are <strong>not</strong> used by default. That is because dollar signs appear too often in non-mathematical settings, which could cause some text to be treated as mathematics unexpectedly. For example, with single-dollar delimiters, “… the cost is $2.50 for the first one, and $2.00 for each additional one …” would cause the phrase “2.50 for the first one, and” to be treated as mathematics since it falls between dollar signs. See the section on <a class="reference internal" href=""><span class="std std-ref">TeX and LaTeX Math Delimiters</span></a> for more information on using dollar signs as delimiters.</p> </div> <p>For example,</p> <p>\( A+b \times \sin (C+d) = (E+F)^{g+h}_{j+k} \) is inline formula with text and</p> <p> \[ A+b \times \sin (C+d) = (E+F)^{g+h}_{j+k} \] is display formula.</p>2020-12-07T09:34:13+07:00