Science Journal of Tan Trao University announced the publication schedule of the issue of 2024...
Scientific Journal of Tan Trao University (SJTTU) with ISSN: 2354- 1431, is an open access and peer-reviewed scholarly journal focused on Social sciences and Humanities; Natural science-Engineering-Technology; Educational Science, Agriculture-Forestry-Biology-Medicine -Pharmacy. The journal welcomes contributions from academics, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, lecturers, and associates pursuing research in Vietnam and all over the world.
The journal publishes its printed version with a quarterly frequency and one special issue in the last quarter. All the articles submitted to the Journal are undergoing editorial screening and anonymous double-blind peer review by experts and the honorary editorial board. All articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication with a unique Digital Objective Identifier provided by Crossref and without subscription charges or registration barriers.
The aim of SJTTU is to provide platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, scholars, lecturers and students to impart and share their knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews. SJTTU provide a quality readable and valuable addition to the knowledge which will be helpful to the society.
Peer Review Process
SJTTU has adopted a double – blind peer review. Detailed descriptions about our editorial process are as bellow:
Initial Screening
A newly submitted manuscript is screened by the Editorial Staff and SJTTU EDITOR for its conformity to SJTTU’s scope and basic submission requirements.
If the manuscript passes the initial screening, we assign it to a member of our Editorial Board, who is an active researcher in your field.
Peer Review
If the Editorial Board is satisfied that your manuscript is appropriate to send out to peer review, we will then choose at least two appropriate peer reviewers (who are experts in the areas of your manuscript and have publications related to the areas of your manuscript) to evaluate your work. The article will be anonym and carried out by a double-blind peer review.
Note: If the manuscript fails to pass the initial screening, it is rejected without further review.
Fist Decision
A decision is only made when at least one review reports have been received. If the reports (and/or reviewers’ recommendations) differ significantly, the handling Subject-Editor will request an additional reviewer to aid them in determining its suitability for publication.
At this stage, a manuscript can either be rejected, be required minor or major revision, or be accepted as is. If significant changes to the language or content are required, the handling editor may recommend that the manuscript be resubmitted following a significant revision, after which it will go through a second peer review. If the manuscript is accepted, it will be returned to the submitting author for formatting (following a pre-set template). The final decision to accept the manuscript is made by the SJTTU EDITOR based on the recommendation of the handling Subject-Editor and following approval by the editorial board.
Revision Stage
A manuscript that requires revision is returned to the submitting author, who will have up to 2 to 4 weeks to revise the manuscript, following which it will be reviewed by the handling editor. The handling editor will then determine if the required changes have been made, that they are adequate and appropriate, and if the author(s) sufficiently responded to the reviewers' comments and suggestions.
If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this stage will be repeated, giving the author(s) a second opportunity to address the reviewers’ concerns. Please note that if the handling editor finds that the article will not be sufficiently improved by a second revision (in other words, a second revision will be a waste of the author(s) and/or journal’s time), they have the discretion of proceeding directly to the next stage and recommending that the manuscript be rejected.
Final Decision
At this stage, the revised manuscript is either accepted or rejected. This decision is based on whether the handling editor finds the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the article is accepted, it is queued for typesetting, proofreading, and ultimately publication in an upcoming issue. If the author(s) are unable to make the required changes, or have done so to a degree below SJTTU’s standards, the manuscript is rejected.
Open-access policy
SJTTU provides immediate open access to its published articles, with authors retaining copyright and free to deposit their work in any repository at any time. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA) International license. In addition to being freely accessible, they may be copied, shared, or adapted for any lawful purpose in any medium, as long as appropriate credit is given to the author and SJTTU and changes are indicated. The English abbreviation for Scientific Journal of Tan Trao University: SJTTU.
Publication Ethics
The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of work of the author and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior. Find information about how to publish ethically under the "Ethics" topic on SJTTU here.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Data Privacy Policy
The data collected from registered users of this journal falls within the scope of the standard functioning of peer -reviewed journals. It includes information that makes communication possible for the editorial process; it enables collecting aggregated data on submissions and publications, as well as tracking geopolitical and social elements of scholarly communication.
This journal’s editorial team uses this data to guide its work in publishing and improving the journal. The data will not be sold or used for other purposes than those stated here.
Science Journal of Tan Trao University announced the publication schedule of the issue of 2024...
Address: Km 6, Trung Mon, Yen Son District, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam