Open exam question and marking literature composition exercise based on open exam question in primary education


  • Tri Nguyen Ban điều hành dự án phát triển giáo viên tiểu học - Bộ GD&ĐT



Open exam question, marking literature composition exercise based on open exam question, primaryon, students, evaluation, explanation, demonstration.


There have not any clear definitions about open exam question in teaching literature composition. However, following general understanding, when taking exam, open exam question allows students to express their own ideas about issues which need to be discussed, explained, and demonstrated due to requirements of questions, and to express their own understandings in lelecting subjects and strategy of describing and narrating about these subjects. In the scope of this paper, we only focus on the issue of open exam question in teaching literature composition in primary education. Teaching literature composition based on competency means that we are expecting and encouraging students to expose their own understandings, thoughts, ways of describing, ways of evaluating in each exam topic. There are lots of concerns when proposing the method of marking literature composition based on open questions, but the most important aspect when marking is to respect all of thouthts, feelings, expressing and understandings of each student.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn T. (2021). Open exam question and marking literature composition exercise based on open exam question in primary education. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 1(1), 57–64.



Humanities and Social Sciences