Fabric products of Southeast Asian nations are of similarities and differences


  • Van An Vi Bảo tàng Dân tộc học Việt Nam




Handmad; weave, embroider; linen, Southeast Asia; Batik;Ikat.


Weaving in Southeast Asian countries has been a traditional handicraft with a long
history. With the plentiful and diverse types and colors, reaching the level of
sophistication, their textile / fabric products have contributed to the national identity of each country in the region.
Fabric products of ethnic groups in Southeast Asian countries have many
similarities, difference. The similarities and differences in fabric products are also an
indication of the cultural unity and diversity of Southeast Asia, which is basically
based on a common cultural background. In other words, features of fabric products
in each country contribute to the unity, while individual features / nuances of each
country contribute to the diversity of Southeast Asia.
Currently, in addition to meeting the demands of each country, many beautiful batik and ikat products which are well-known with a variety of new models of Southeast Asia are now present in many countries around the world and favored by customers. This is also the reason why Southeast Asia has been evaluated as one of the areas possessing beautiful handmade fabric product which are worldwide famous by researchers. However, moving along with the process of integration and globalization, fabric products of Southeast Asian countries are also facing many challenges of conservation and development.


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4. Fiona Kerlogue, The book of Batik. Archipelago Press, Singapore, 2004.

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How to Cite

Vi, V. A. (2021). Fabric products of Southeast Asian nations are of similarities and differences. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 4(10), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.51453/2354-1431/2018/231



Humanities and Social Sciences