Evaluating the satisfaction of the attendance of the using land auction in 3 projects in Tuyen Quang city, Tuyen Quang province


  • Binh Tran Thi Tan Trao University
  • Thanh Thuy Dam Thi Tan Trao University
  • Thu Hien Nguyen Thi Tan Trao University
  • Thu Thao Xuan Thi Đại học Lâm Nghiệp




The auction of land use rights is a proper policy and an effective solution to stabilize the land use  righted market and ensure openness and transparency in access to land use rights for all citizens. and at the same time contribute to increasing revenue for the State budget. The auction of land use rights in Tuyen Quang city in recent years has brought certain results from all aspects of economy, culture and society such as: Stability of life and creation of life designed for the people, making the land use management better, contributing to ensuring strict implementation of land laws. Research results show that: 84.25% of participants are satisfied with the dissemination of legal policies; 92.12% of auction participants are satisfied and very satisfied with the auction organization; 97.72% of auction participants are satisfied and very satisfied with auction organizers, 100% of auction participants are satisfied and very satisfied with the completion of the auction, 51.64% Auction participants are satisfied and very pleased with the preparation for the auction. At the same time, the research has provided some solutions to improve the satisfaction with participants in auction of land use rights in Tuyen Quang city, Tuyen Quang province.


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How to Cite

Trần Thị B., Đàm Thị T. T., Nguyễn Thị T. H., & Xuân Thị T. T. (2020). Evaluating the satisfaction of the attendance of the using land auction in 3 projects in Tuyen Quang city, Tuyen Quang province. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 5(12), 76–80. https://doi.org/10.51453/2354-1431/2019/260



Humanities and Social Sciences