Effects of living activities to the management and forest protection at Thanh Tuong commune, district of Na Hang, Tuyen Quang province


  • Hai Nguyen Thi Tan Trao University
  • Thanh Van Tran Thi Tan Trao University
  • Phuong Dang Thi Tan Trao University




Livingactivities; forest management and protection; forest protection and development


Research results of "Effect of living activities to the management and forest protection at Thanh Tuong commune, Na Hang district, Tuyen Quang province  shows that Thanh Tuong is a commune with large forest area. Therefore, the living activities of the people have affected the management and protection of forests. The families involved in protection and development forest such as: afforestation, giving information or reporting on the situation of forests, developments and violations to forests for forest management and protection staff to promptly take measures to handle and prevent. In addition to the positive impacts on forest management and protection, during the process of  living activities, it has also caused many difficulties for management staff such as acts of deforestation for cultivation, illegal hunting of animals. ...

Based on the analysis and assessment of the local socio-economic situation and the situation of forest protection and management, livingactivities of the community have been identified to adversely affect forest resources. , and find out the reasons for providing solutions to improve the living community, including: (1) Policy and legal solutions; (2) Economic solutions; (3) Scientific and technical solutions; (4) Education and propaganda solutions.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Thị H., Trần Thị T. V., & Đặng Thị P. (2020). Effects of living activities to the management and forest protection at Thanh Tuong commune, district of Na Hang, Tuyen Quang province. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 5(12), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.51453/2354-1431/2019/284



Humanities and Social Sciences