Assessing the state management of mineral exploitation in Tuyen Quang province period 2011-2018 and proposing the solution till 2030
State management; mineral exploitation; assess; solution; Tuyen QuangAbstract
Mineral exploitation is an ongoing activity in Tuyen Quang province. With the characteristics of the mining industry, it has caused many negative impacts on the environment but brought about high economic value. This makes the state management of mineral exploitation really difficult in finding the way to balance between environmental protection and economic development. Minerals in Tuyen Quang is distributed in almost all districts and cities in the province and mainly small scattered mines are only suitable for local industrial development. Good implementation of state management on mineral exploitation not only helps to protect the environment but also increases the budget revenue, effectively serving the local socio-economic development. The study focused on evaluating the state management of mineral exploitation in Tuyen Quang province in the period from 2011 to 2018 and the proposed solutions to 2030.
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