Analyzing the factors affecting the results and economic efficiency of orange growers in Tuyen Quang province


  • Dien Tran Thi Trường Đại học Tân Trào



Oranges, economic efficiency, orange growers, Tuyen Quang, affecting factors, farmer’ revenue and income.


The study surveyed 150 orange growers in Tuyen Quang province and used economic research methods to analyze the factors affecting farmer’ revenue and income from orange production. The analysis results from the multivariate egression model show
that factors such as experience, training, planning, loans, VietGAP orange production
model, level of nvestment, which have a positive impact on revenue of orange
growers. The results of analyzing the factors affecting the economic efficiency are the
basis for proposing solutions to increase the income of households, such as, Enhancing
production capacity for farmers; Expanding the area of ranges/household; Increasing investment capital; Expanding VietGAP orange production model; Well-organized planning of concentrated production areas; Applying orange varieties for long-term
harvest; applying preservation and processing to extend the time of product arketing;
And strengthening inkages in oranges production and onsumption.


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How to Cite

Trần Thị , D. (2021). Analyzing the factors affecting the results and economic efficiency of orange growers in Tuyen Quang province . SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 6(16), 36–45.



Natural Science and Technology