Developing quality culture and the inner quality assurance system at Tan Trao University


  • Tú Trần Minh Trường Đại học Tân Trào



Quality culture; quality assurance; heightening education quality.


Developing quality culture and standardizing the inner quality assurance system is an indispensable requirement in the development strategy of Tan Trao University. The inner quality assurance system plays an important role in heightening training quality, scientific research and community services. Promoting quality assurance activities is a crucial duty of the university to meet the demand of human resources in the time development of the society and region, in accordance with the time indispensable trend – internationalization, globalization of Viet Nam education at university level.


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How to Cite

Trần Minh, T. (2021). Developing quality culture and the inner quality assurance system at Tan Trao University. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 4(7), 85–90.



Humanities and Social Sciences