CHDCND Lào; Năng suất nghiên cứu, Công bố khoa học; trắc lượng thư mục và dữ liệu; Scopus; Các bài nghiên cứu về Lào.Abstract
Using the Scopus database, this paper investigates the productivity of scientific articles from 1996 – 2020 to reveal the status of research development in Lao PDR through the lens of bibliometrics review. The finding indicated that publications in Lao PDR have increased considerably since 2010. However, the total number of publications (2,666) in the 1996-2020 period is much lower compared to other countries in the region. Also, it is over-reliant on the international collaboration as more than 96% were the international co-authorship which the medical and agricultural research was the most studied. The priority in research field of the Lao PDR appears unbalanced because some subject areas were overlooked while others were neglected. The scientific community in the Lao PDR is embodied in the health sector as the scientific articles are published by health-related institutes and authors. Indeed, the scientific publication production of the Lao PDR is obstructed by several limitations, including the socio-economic such as research funding, human resources, and foreign languages. Moreover, the government’s priority on education, incentive policy, and cultural context puts even more pressure on its research development. Therefore, this now necessitates improving the human resources and building the research capacity in Lao PDR. This call is especially addressed to the policymakers to develop the mechanism for scientific publications’ advancement in Lao PDR.
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