Exploiting the potential for eco-tourism development in Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province


  • Hoa Nguyen Thi a Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thái Nguyên
  • Nhung Vi Thi Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thái Nguyên




Magic, tourism, guides, belief, mysterious


In Vietnam, tourism is identified as one of the country's key economic sectors.
Tourism not only brings economic benefits, plays a role of promoting and preserving traditional cultural values, but also has the significance of protecting the natural and social environment with the form of eco-tourism. Each locality in our country has the potential to develop tourism in general and eco-tourism in particular. The article aims to study the exploitation of eco-tourism potential in Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province. We use historical and logical methods, interdisciplinary research methods
(synthesis, statistics, analysis, comparison ...), especially the ethnographic fieldwork method to conduct the gathering data and conducting research. The article clarifies and assesses the potential of ecotourism, researches the actual situation of exploiting the potential of local tourism development; on that basis, The article considers and proposes orientations and solutions to effectively exploit the potential of eco-tourism development in Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province. The research results contribute to confirming the ecotourism potential of Luc Ngan district and it is the basis for the locality to build a comprehensive project, orienting and implementing solutions to develop eco-tourism and tourism.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Thị, H., & Vi Thị, N. (2021). Exploiting the potential for eco-tourism development in Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 6(16), 72–79. https://doi.org/10.51453/2354-1431/2020/326



Humanities and Social Sciences