Ecotourism development in Tuyen Quang: case study of Lam Binh District


  • Khai Hoàn Nguyen Tan Trao University
  • Phuong Thao Nguyen Tan Trao University
  • Van Hien Nguyen



Tourism development, ecotourism; Lam Binh ecotourism, Tuyen Quang ecotourism


Eco-tourism is one of the strongly growing types of tourism that attracts both domestic and international tourists. Ecotourism is seen as an effective solution to protect the ecological environment towards sustainable development by reducing
the pressure of exploiting natural resources, serving the needs of visitors and local residents when participating in ecotourism activities associated with the community. This article analyzes and clarifies some issues on the potentials, strengths and solutions for ecotourism development in Tuyen Quang through case studies of Lam Binh District.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn, K. H., Nguyễn, P. T., & Nguyễn, V. H. (2021). Ecotourism development in Tuyen Quang: case study of Lam Binh District. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY, 4(10), 61–67.



Humanities and Social Sciences